Become an expert on your Key Performance Indicators

Uncover the numbers your company growth depends on
You’re a performance-oriented business owner wanting a fast track way to find improvements in your business and generate more cash.

Our KPIs course is designed for you.

Business growth comes from small improvements. This course empowers business owners to uncover the 1% improvements they could be making and to grow their business and achieve their vision.

Get more from your business

The numbers you track influence your quality of decision-making

To find improvements in your business, you need to track your progress. Knowing where your business has come and where it's performing well (or not so well!) is crucial to knowing where you can make improvements.

In each session we’ll show you how to track the Key Performance Indicators that can significantly improve your business.


Learn about and name the cycles of your business.


What KPIs can I use to track my operating cycle?

Bonus: How do I calculate those KPIs?


What KPIs can I use to track my cash conversion cycle?

Bonus: How do I calculate those KPIs?


What KPIs can I use to track my entire business from customer acquisition to shareholder returns.

Bonus: Show me the math on these KPIs.


See the numbers in action! Comparing KPIs on 3 manufacturing / product companies: Tesla, General Motors, Ford


See the numbers in action! Comparing KPIs on 3 service companies: AT&T, Verizon, T-mobile.


Apply your knowledge - schedule your consultation session with our founder, Dan Whittaker.

BONUS: If you send us over the last three years of your financials, you’ll get calculations of your own KPIs.

*Start today! Watch the first session of the course and learn about the parts of the business cash cycle.

Spend less time on guess work and more time on growth work

The KPIs course will help you:
Uncover how well your business is performing and where you could be getting more revenue
Unlock revenue-boosting improvements you can action in your business right away
Know the key numbers to prioritize so you’re not tracking everything and applying nothing
Set strategic KPIs that link to your business goals and needs
Become an enlightened business owner, running your business on data rather than feelings
“The first project that Daniel and I worked on was to understand how cash was flowing through the company. We then moved onto setting expectations for future cash flow as I dove deeper in understanding where our cash was coming from and where it was going.”
Mayumi, Hosa Technology

Sign up today for instant and unlimited access

Seconds after you complete your order, you’ll be taken to a training hub where you’ll unlock:

Access to entire
KPI’s course

6 sessions of videos you can watch in just a few hours anytime, anywhere.


Book a one-hour strategy call with Whittaker’s founder, Dan Whittaker, and talk through your own data for these KPIs.


Calculations of your own KPIs based on data you already have.

Ready to figure
out your most
important numbers?

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