Author Archives: Whittaker

What Should I Do With Obsolete Inventory?

Different Types of Obsolete Inventory When it comes to dealing with obsolete inventory, the solution isn’t always the same. Every company has some form of inventory that they might be deemed as obsolete. Because of this, it is important to determine why the inventory is considered Obsolete. It is also not usually just one item.

How Should You Think About Your Supply Chain?

Why Your Supply Chain is Important. Supply chain management is a crucial piece of a business’ success. An effective supply chain is important for various industries including manufacturing, retail, and logistics. When it is well managed, it ensures that goods and services are delivered to customers in a timely and cost-effective manner. It also helps

What is a Charitable Lead and Charitable Remainder Trust

This article is going to explore two different types of trusts that we utilize with our clients in planning for income taxes and estate taxes.  These two trusts are the Charitable Remainder Trust and the Charitable Lead Trust.  Both trusts are considered “split-interest” trusts because the assets of the trust, and the trust income, are

Tax Deadline Moved to October 16, 2023

As a result of the recent storms in California, the governor declared a state of emergency in many counties affected by the storms. The IRS and California franchise board released information surrounding filing extensions and the recent California Storms. FTB has extended filing and payment deadlines for many individuals and businesses in California. We are notifying

What is a Real Estate Professional For Tax Purposes?

Overview For tax purposes it can be beneficial to be considered a real estate professional. Being a real estate professional offers benefits but also has requirements. If you can qualify as a real estate professional, then you avail yourself many tax advantages and tax savings opportunities. Let’s clarify what a real estate for professional tax

The Basics Of Estate Tax

What is Estate Tax While only six states currently have estate tax, California is not one of them. California is not subject to state level estate tax, but it is still subject to federal estate tax. Estate tax is basically a tax on your right to transfer property at your death. Your estate may consist

Should You Buy Or Lease A Car?

Overview     One of the biggest decisions that entrepreneurs and business owners must make is whether to buy or lease a car. Both options have their pros and cons. The decision comes down to several factors, including the business’s financial situation, the intended use of the vehicle, and the tax implications.  Buying