Tag Archives: california tax law

2021 Tax Return Due Dates and 2022 Tax Estimate Due Dates

Many times throughout the year our clients inquire as to when their tax returns are due or when their estimated tax payments are due. The chart below lists the 2021 filing dates and 2022 estimated tax payment dates for the returns that we frequently encounter. Find the pdf. for the table above here. If you

Meals & Entertainment Tax Deductions

tax deductions

Prior to 2017, Meals and Entertainment related expenses were typically 50% deductible. In 2017, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, what is known as the Trump Tax Laws, changed that.  In the image below we’ll walk through the new rules from 2018 through 2023: Prior to 2017 entertainment was 50% deductible. As you can see

What does pass-through entity tax mean for my small business?

pass-through entity tax

You may recall before the 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act, you were able to deduct your state and local taxes on your individual tax return. The 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act imposed a deduction limit of $10,000 of state and local taxes on your personal tax return. This has been referred to as